Thank you very much for taking time to fill our short China expert survey. You can find more information about our research, including the measures taken to ensure your privacy, below.
By filling out this survey, you consent to us using the data you provide for our research. Please click here to complete the survey in English:
The purpose of this survey is to establish a complete list of experts on contemporary Chinese politics. We plan to use this list to draw a random sample of experts to be interviewed in more depth in the second stage of this research. Respondents who indicate that they do not want to be contacted in the second stage will not be included in the sample.
This project has received approval from the ethics committees of the universities involved. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at
The data provided by survey respondents will be treated confidentially and stored in encrypted files. Identifying information, such as name, e-mail address, and institutional affiliation, will be stored separately from the other answers provided in the survey once the data has been downloaded from Qualtrics. Identifying information will not be shared with individuals outside the research team.
Participation in the survey is completely voluntary, and respondents are free to withdraw from the study or survey at any point.